How does consumer behavior change with JOMO ?

Keep yourself to yourself is now a trend. To decline an invitation to go out, turn off your notifications, stay away from social media and watch Netflix with TV dinner slumped on your couch ; here are the symptoms of JOMO. You might be infected.


But what does JOMO really stand for ? Why do people willingly choose to stay at home, doing nothing and avoiding touchpoints ? How brands should react ?





In order to understand JOMO, here are some acronyms you should know about :


  • FOBO , Fear Of a Better Option : the feeling of missing something better, bigger, funnier. People suffering from FOBO tend to spend a lot of time each day to take a decision, as if it were a matter of life and death.


  • FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out : being afraid of missing an opportunity. This feeling of fear is closely related to technologies, mobile phones, social media and so on. People suffering from FOMO tend to be overwhelmed on a daily basis and eventually go on a digital detox.


  • FODA, Fear of Doing Anything : is it necessary to explain what “fear of doing anything” means ? I


n the end, JOMO might be the antidote to these three self-sapping curses. People living JOMO to the fullest actually combine digital and social detox for a better life. What an easy and peaceful way of life.


How does consumer behavior change ?


Anil Dash coined this need to let it go and make things simple without being overwhelmed by the excess of informations and data we are exposed to every day. Long live slow-life ! Hygge or Lagom, some people need to follow their guidelines and live in a cosy and clean atmosphere with only a few belongings to be happy. Some other turn their smartphone off and throw themselves into an intense session of cleaning and tidying up with Marie Kondo.


If gen X do not really care about JOMO, it seems vital for millenials, trying to escape the hustle and bustle of their life. As for them, centennials try to redefine their relation with social media. Still, they remain “digital natives” and cannot easily cut the cord with the digital age they are born in.


What about brands ?


Brands should actually take action and think about new touchpoints to reach their audience. Beware of Netflix and Ubereats, because they are slowly taking over the world. Fact : it is a lot easier and comforting to place an order from home and get your poke bowl delivered while watching the latest episode of OITNB. Brands should take these four fundamentals need into consideration if they want to remain in the spotlight :


  • The need for peace
  • The need for well-being
  • The need for relevance
  • The need for order


As a conclusion, brands should head for a new direction and learn to take care of their customers by giving credit to their fundamentals needs, their development as human beings (more than digital beings) and as a result, turn JOMO to their advantage.

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